Alberto H. Arensberg
What is your passion?
“Mushrooms, Bees & the Trees, Dancing, clubs & freaks Setting a good example for the kids”
Name: Alberto H. Arensberg
Business: Artist
Where are you from? Buenos Aires, Argentina
When did you move to NY? 2007
When did you move to the LES? 2009
What is your first memory of the LES? I would work at the MET bookstore during the days and spend all night running around trying to get into the bars (we were not yet 21), I remember home sweet home had vodka drinks for a dollar or two during a late night happy hour and we were always welcome there.
What is your history with the LES? It put me in the same room with artists I admired and learned from. Like individual classrooms, each venue taught me. Downtown is the soil from which I, and so many like me, have blossomed.
Outside of your business what is your favorite part of the LES? Crossing the Williamsburg bridge on foot.
What is your passion? Mushrooms, Bees & the Trees, Dancing, clubs & freaks Setting a good example for the kids
What is your motto? Paint until you lose your fear